Display of param- and non-param tests

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Display of param- and non-param tests

Post by RHainez »


When we conduct a t-test in jamovi, we get the opportunity to chos between a parametric and/or a non-parametric one juste by clicking in "Student's" and/or "Mann-Whitney U".

When we conduct an ANOVA, we don't have such a choice. The default test is the classical ANOVA and if we need the non-parametric version, we have to get back to the menu, select the K-W test and put again the variables in "Dependant variables" and "Grouping variable".

I was wondering if there is a particular reason to get those two approaches which create a sort of consistency lack in the use of jamovi (I have the same kind of question for some months now with the "One-Way ANOVA" and the "ANOVA" menus)?

Have a nice day.
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Re: Display of param- and non-param tests

Post by jonathon »


it's just because the options between the ANOVA and NP ANOVA are so different. the normal ANOVA has *lots* of options, where as the NP ANOVA has few. it can become confusing for the user when there's all these options that seem to have no effect (because they've selected NP ANOVA)

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