Please: include new statistics for contingency tables and logistic regression

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Please: include new statistics for contingency tables and logistic regression

Post by jjromezuga »

Dear Jonathon

I am a widespread user of Jamovi for epidemiological analysis. I love Jamovi, but the contingency tables do not offer a couple of figures crucial for epidemiological interpretation: the Mantel-Haenszel adjusted OR and RR for stratified analysis. Also, it could be valuable if it includes the Breslow-Day homogeneity test.

You can find a description and some details in: ... %20freedom.

Finally, it would be nice if Jamovi calculated the global OR and RR but not only comparing all the levels of the variable against the reference level as it is performing now.

Thank you very much for offering us this excellent research and teaching skill.

Best regards,

Juan José Romero-Zúniga
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Re: Please: include new statistics for contingency tables and logistic regression

Post by jonathon »

yeah these might be nice to go into the moretests module.


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Re: Please: include new statistics for contingency tables and logistic regression

Post by jjromezuga »

Dear Jonathon

Thank you very much for your reaction.

I would include it in the Frequencies (contingency tables)and Logistic Regression. Please let me know if you will include these calculations somewhere in the program.

Best regards,

JJ Romero-Zúñiga
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Re: Please: include new statistics for contingency tables and logistic regression

Post by MattC »

Please could I request the addition of a mosaic plot (using mosaicplot(table(data)) or spineplot()) to the Frequencies>Contingency Tables analysis. I think it should be a fairly easy one to implement.


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