Reporting the results of a Generalized Mixed Model

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Reporting the results of a Generalized Mixed Model

Post by Drew »

I'm a stats beginner, so forgive the rudimentary question.

I am analyzing a corpus of recorded interviews for a variety of social and linguistic factors. I have downloaded the Gamlj module to perform linear regression, including mixed effects models. Currently, I'm hoping to analyze the effects of a participant's generation (categorical, binary) AND the lexical category of a word (categorical, 7 levels) on a categorical binary outcome (word phonetically integrated or not), while controlling for individual participant effects.

My understanding is that the best analysis to run in this instance is a generalized mixed effects model. Is that a correct assumption? I've done so in Jamovi and the model converges and seems to work. If this is the correct analysis, how do I report the results? I have been searching online but haven't found a satisfactory description of exactly what I need to include when reporting on a mixed effects regression.

Thanks in advance!
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