Feature request: Simple effect in ANOVA module

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Feature request: Simple effect in ANOVA module

Post by kris_ariya »


First of all, thank you for making such a wonderful program. I have been using jamovi for about a year and it gives me so much joy. I wonder if you plan to add a simple effect function to ANOVA, Repeated Measures ANOVA, and ANCOVA. I knew that the simple effect analysis is available on GAMLj module, which is a breeze if the analysis is a between-subject design.

However, when working with a wide format in Repeated Measure ANOVA, it is considerably harder to reshape the data to a long format and analyze it with Mixed Model in order to get the simple effect analysis.

I have been showing jamovi to my colleagues and encouraging them to switch. However, some of them were deterred by the difficulty of getting some of their usual analyses (like simple effects) done in jamovi and decided to stick with SPSS. Therefore, I would suggest an addition of simple effect analysis to the ANOVA module.


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Re: Feature request: Simple effect in ANOVA module

Post by jonathon »

hi kris,

yeah, we probably don't want to overload the ANOVA, etc. analyses with too many options, so we probably want to nudge people toward GAMLj for this. but i see your point, that transitioning data from wide format to long format (for gamlj, when using RM data sets) isn't something we currently support.

that is something we're planning on adding, so you might have to wait for that.


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