z score and p-value for skewness, kurtosis, shapiro-wilk?

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z score and p-value for skewness, kurtosis, shapiro-wilk?

Post by snowch »

I'm a stats noob so apologies if this question doesn't make much sense.

I read the following in the book Statistical Analysis in JASP for skewness or kurtosis:
Z score significance: p<0.05 if z >1.96 p<0.01 if z >2.58 p<0.001 if z >3.29
It seems as though z scores and/or p value output would be useful in the descriptives for skewness, kurtosis, shapiro-wilk.

Are there any plans to add this, or is it a silly idea?
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Re: z score and p-value for skewness, kurtosis, shapiro-wilk

Post by jonathon »

i think in the past, the idea is that descriptives are simply descriptives, and don't contain any statistical tests (although i would like to see confidence intervals in there at least).

we'd probably suggest that these go into a separate analysis or module.


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