Dear team,
Jamovi runs the EFA nicely. However, it lacks some of the options that the field frequently endorses and uses.
1. Adding "Geomin" rotation. This method is becoming more popular in the application of EFA.
2. Adding covariance option. In some cases, we want the EFA based on covariance to read the unstandardized estimates rather than the correlation/standardized parameters. Now, why unstandardized is the default option in the CFA module (one needs to search for the "Standardized estimate" box to get that), but unstandardized estimates are not even available in the EFA?!
2. b. Related to the previous point, adding Polychric/tetrachoric correlation matrix
3. Add more fit indices. Currently, the EFA only produces chi^2, RMSEA, and TLI. We would like to get the SRMR and CFI.
And here is an additional, but less demanding, request, adding support for exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), adding this will be fantastic. Kindly follow this link for how lavaan implements it: