Error attempt to apply non-function

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Error attempt to apply non-function

Post by mfaure »

cartoClass = if (requireNamespace('jmvcore', quietly=TRUE)) R6::R6Class(
inherit = cartoBase,
private = list(
.run = function() {
ready = TRUE
if (is.null(self$options$coox) || is.null(self$options$cooy) || is.null(self$options$group)){
ready = FALSE
if (ready) {
data = private$.buildData()


res.carto = private$.carto_jamoviBON(data)

imagecol = self$results$plotcarto
.plotCARTO = function(image, ...) {
res.carto=image$state #Really important line
plot=jmvGgplot(plot,height="400px", width="100%")

print(plot, title = "Cartographie des variables quantitatives par rapport à leurs coordonées")
.carto_jamoviBON= function(data) {
res.carto_jamovibon = private$.carto_jamovi(data[,1:2],data[,3:n], level = 0, regmod = 1, coord = c(1, 2),
asp = 1, cex = 1.3, col = "steelblue4", font = 2, clabel = 0.8,
label.j = FALSE, resolution = 200, nb.clusters = 0, graph.tree = TRUE,
graph.corr = TRUE, graph.carto = TRUE, main = 'Map', col.min = 7.5,
col.max = 0)
.carto_jamovi = function (Mat, MatH, level = 0, regmod = 1, coord = c(1, 2),
asp = 1, cex = 1.3, col = "steelblue4", font = 2, clabel = 0.8,
label.j = FALSE, resolution = 200, nb.clusters = 0, graph.tree = TRUE,
graph.corr = TRUE, graph.carto = TRUE, main = NULL, col.min = 7.5,
col.max = 0)
cm.colors2 = function(n, alpha = 1) {
if ((n = as.integer(n[1L])) > 0) {
even.n = n%%2 == 0
k = n%/%2
l1 = k + 1 - even.n
l2 = n - k + even.n
c(if (l1 > 0) hsv(h = col.min/12, s =,
ifelse(even.n, 0.5/k, 0), length.out = l1), v = 1,
alpha = alpha), if (l2 > 1) hsv(h = col.max/12,
s =, 0.8, length.out = l2)[-1L], v = 1,
alpha = alpha))
else character(0L)
predire = function(n1, n2, coeff) {
coeff[1] + coeff[2] * n1 + coeff[3] * n2 + coeff[4] *
n1 * n1 + coeff[5] * n2 * n2 + coeff[6] * n1 * n2
if (!
stop("Non convenient selection for MatH")
if (any( {
missing = which(
MatH[missing] = (matrix(rep(apply(MatH, 1, mean, na.rm = T),
ncol(MatH)), ncol = ncol(MatH)) + matrix(rep(apply(MatH,
2, mean, na.rm = T), each = nrow(MatH)), ncol = ncol(MatH)) -
matrix(rep(mean(MatH, na.rm = TRUE), ncol(MatH) *
nrow(MatH)), ncol = ncol(MatH)))[missing]
matrice = cbind(row.names(MatH), Mat[rownames(MatH), ],

matrice[, 4:ncol(matrice)] = scale(matrice[, 4:ncol(matrice)],
center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[, ]
nbconso = ncol(matrice) - 3
x1 = matrice[, 2]
x2 = matrice[, 3]
x12 = scale(x1, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[, ]^2
x22 = scale(x2, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[, ]^2
x12plusx22 = x12 + x22
x3 = scale(x1, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[, ] * scale(x2,
center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[, ]
XX = cbind(x1, x2, x12, x22, x3)
etendue.x1 = diff(range(x1))
etendue.x2 = diff(range(x2))
pas = max(etendue.x1, etendue.x2)/resolution
f1 = seq((min(x1) - etendue.x1 * 0.05), (max(x1) + etendue.x1 *
0.05), pas)
f2 = seq((min(x2) - etendue.x2 * 0.05), (max(x2) + etendue.x2 *
0.05), pas)
depasse = matrix(0, nrow = length(f1), ncol = length(f2))
abscis = NULL
ordon = NULL
for (i in 1:nbconso) {
if (regmod == 1)
coeff = lm(matrice[, i + 3] ~ XX[, 1] + XX[, 2] +
XX[, 3] + XX[, 4] + XX[, 5], na.action = na.omit)$coef
if (regmod == 2) {
coeff = lm(matrice[, i + 3] ~ XX[, 1] + XX[, 2],
na.action = na.omit)$coef
coeff = c(coeff, 0, 0, 0)
if (regmod == 3) {
coeff = lm(matrice[, i + 3] ~ x1 + x2 + x12plusx22,
na.action = na.omit)$coef
coeff = c(coeff, coeff[4], 0)
if (regmod == 4) {
coeff = lm(matrice[, i + 3] ~ XX[, 1] + XX[, 2] +
XX[, 3] + XX[, 4], na.action = na.omit)$coef
coeff = c(coeff, 0)
predites = outer(f1, f2, predire, coeff)
if (sd(as.vector(predites), na.rm = TRUE) != 0)
predites = (predites - mean(predites, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(as.vector(predites),
na.rm = TRUE)
depasse = depasse + matrix(as.numeric(predites > level),
nrow = length(f1), ncol = length(f2))
abscis = c(abscis, f1[rev(order(predites))[1] - length(f1) *
as.integer((rev(order(predites))[1] - 0.5)/length(f1))])
ordon = c(ordon, f2[as.integer(1 + (rev(order(predites))[1] -
nb.depasse = depasse
depasse = round(depasse/nbconso * 100)
dimnames(depasse) = list(as.character(f1), as.character(f2))
if (graph.carto) {
if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY")))
col = cm.colors2(100)
if (is.null(main))
main = "Preference mapping"
image(f1, f2, depasse, col = col, xlab = paste("Dim",
coord[1]), ylab = paste("Dim", coord[2]), main = main,
font.main = font, , cex.main = cex, asp = asp)
contour(f1, f2, depasse, nlevels = 9, levels = c(20,
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95), add = TRUE, labex = 0)
for (i in 1:nrow(matrice)) {
points(matrice[i, 2], matrice[i, 3], pch = 15)
text(matrice[i, 2], matrice[i, 3], matrice[i, 1],
pos = 4, offset = 0.2, )
#points(abscis, ordon, pch = 20)
res = list()
res$nb.depasse = nb.depasse
res$f1 = f1
res$f2 = f2
res$abscis = abscis
res$ordon = ordon
res$matrice = matrice
.buildData = function() {




data=data.frame(datacoox, datacooy, datanote)
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Posts: 2627
Joined: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:04 am

Re: Error attempt to apply non-function

Post by jonathon »


can you provide a stack trace of where the error occurs? this is an R error.

basically you're calling something like this aFunction() ... but aFunction isn't a function like you expect.
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