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APA 6/7 Table Containing Bayesian t-Test Results

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:35 pm
by pdeli

I would like to report some Bayesian Independent Samples t-Test results in a table, but I don't know how (cannot seem to find any info on the Web).

Table 1 shows how I did for the Frequentist Independent Samples t-Tests:

Table 1. Prevalence, Odds Ratio (OR), and Chi-Square test of association (X2) of DV at two cut-offs broken down by the two modalities of IV.

Code: Select all

IV                      N at Cut-off1 (%)          N at Cut-off2 (%)
Modality1                       26 (13.0)                  49 (17.4)
Modality2                       33 (13.8)                  55 (14.1)
OR (95% CI)           0.969 (0.362-2.592)        1.720 (0.591–2.516)
X2 (df=1, N=350)           6.415, p < .01             7.811, p < .05

Now, in another table, instead of the Chi-square, I'd like to put some BF01 (Bayesian Factor where I posit that H0 is true). Here are my questions:
  • Can I simply swap the X2 for BF (and keep both the Ns and % for the 2 modalities, and ORs and CIs)?
  • Is there something to add (the equivalent of df and N in a chi-square: like the error % and/or the median and 95% CI given in the Prior and posterior plots with additional info)?
  • If yes, how should it be presented?
Table 2 is an example of how I imagine the presentation for the Bayesian Independent Samples t-Test.

Table 2. Prevalence, Odds Ratio (OR), and Bayesian Independent Samples t-Test (BF) of DV at two cut-offs broken down by the two modalities of IV.

Code: Select all

IV                      N at Cut-off1 (%)          N at Cut-off2 (%)
Modality1                       26 (13.0)                  49 (17.4)
Modality2                       33 (13.8)                  55 (14.1)
OR (95% CI)           0.969 (0.362-2.592)        1.720 (0.591–2.516)
BF01 (error %)           7.714 (1.718e-5)           3.531 (1.718e-5)

Does it make sense?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

P.S.: Numbers in the tables are made up.
P.P.S.: If nobody can answer, is there another place on the web where I could ask this?
