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Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:17 pm
by Ravi
I'm now looking at the new version and it's looking very nice! One comment about the multinomial model coefficients table. You can group the response groups a bit nicer by using the combineBelow option for the estimates table. Basically you just do the following in your gamljgzlm.r.yaml file:

Code: Select all

        - name: dep
          title: "Response Groups"
          type: text
          visible: (modelSelection:multinomial)
          combineBelow: true
Another thing that can make the grouping a bit more explicit is by adding some spacing before a new response group begins by using the addFormat function.

Code: Select all

table$addFormat(rowKey=rowKey, col=1, Cell.BEGIN_GROUP)
So you would only add the format when a row consists of a new response group.

You can see in this screenshot how much of a difference only adding the combineBelow statement already makes:
Screenshot from 2017-11-06 18-16-39.png
Screenshot from 2017-11-06 18-16-39.png (166.74 KiB) Viewed 11813 times

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:34 pm
Wow, thanks a lot. I was about to say that I was ready for version 0.0.7 but your suggestions definitely call for 0.0.8. I'm going to implement the "combineBelow" which sounds a very nice option. BTW, I managed to tame nnet::multinom but I should say (WADR) it was a trip in hell. I came out of it with a new motto in R coding : honour thy parent.env() and thy parent.frame()!!!

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 12:57 pm
Ok, done. I pushed 0.0.8 with Ravi's suggestions. Tables look better now.

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:34 pm
by Ravi
Looks nice! I found a couple of small things :stuck_out_tongue:
  1. When doing a multinomial test I get an error when doing post-hoc tests + marginal means:
    (354.69 KiB) Downloaded 725 times
  2. In mixed effects model, the contrast column of the parameter estimates table does not update when I change the factor coding. The contrast coding table does. Also, at the moment you have the default factor coding set to deviation. Is it common to use this as default (I would assume simple contrasts would be default).
    Screenshot from 2017-11-07 16-18-44.png
    Screenshot from 2017-11-07 16-18-44.png (276.66 KiB) Viewed 11801 times
  3. You have changed the results title of GLM to "General Linear Model", but not the options one (in the .a.yaml and .u.yaml). I'm not sure whether this is intentional, but I thought I'd mention it.
    Screenshot from 2017-11-07 16-22-55.png
    Screenshot from 2017-11-07 16-22-55.png (150.77 KiB) Viewed 11801 times
But this looks really great and I think it's almost ready for a proper release. How would you like to promote it? Do you have twitter? Of course, we can help you by posting it on our twitter/facebook/linkedin/website, but I think it's good if we can retweet something you have posted so you get the attention you deserve.

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:55 pm
2-3. fixes implemented (0.0.9)
1. If I load the omv I got an error, but if I save the data in it, open the data and run it , it works fine (in my installation at least) . I probably fixed the bug producing it while updating the rest.

As regard the last point, let me get back to you after I reckon with my lack of ability to promoting things :-)

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:39 pm
by jonathon
hi marcello,

i get the same issue as ravi, but perhaps you haven't committed all your changes just yet.

here's the stacktrace:

Code: Select all

Error in X[ii, ii, drop = FALSE]: (subscript) logical subscript too long

    dep <- self$options$dep
    factors <- self$options$factors
    covs <- self$options$covs
    modelType <- self$options$modelSelection
    modelTerms <- private$.modelTerms()
    if (is.null(dep) || length(modelTerms) == 0) 
    base::options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
    data <- private$.cleanData()
    data <- mf.checkData(dep, data, modelType)
    if (! 
    for (factorName in factors) {
        lvls <- base::levels(data[[factorName]])
        if (length(lvls) == 1) 
            reject("Factor '{}' contains only a single level", factorName = factorName)
        else if (length(lvls) == 0) 
            reject("Factor '{}' contains no data", factorName = factorName)
    anovaTable <- self$results$main
    estimatesTable <- self$results$estimates
    infoTable <- self$results$info
    formula <- jmvcore::constructFormula(dep, modelTerms)
    formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
    model <- try(private$.estimate(formula, data))
    if (isError(model)) {
        message <- extractErrorMessage(model)
    private$.model <- model
    infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "r2", list(value = mi.rsquared(model)))
    infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "aic", list(value = mf.getAIC(model)))
    infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "dev", list(value = model$deviance))
    infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "conv", mi.converged(model))
    anovaResults <- try(mf.anova(model))
    if (isError(anovaResults)) {
        message <- extractErrorMessage(anovaResults)
        anovaTable$setNote("anocrash", message)
        STOP <- TRUE
    rowNames <- rownames(anovaResults)
    for (i in seq_along(rowNames)) {
        rowName <- rowNames[i]
        tableRow <- anovaResults[i, ]
        colnames(tableRow) <- TCONV[["glm.f"]]
        anovaTable$setRow(rowNo = i, tableRow)
    if (mi.aliased(model)) {
        infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "conv", list(comm = "Results may be misleading because of aliased coefficients. See Tables notes"))
        anovaTable$setNote("aliased", WARNS["ano.aliased"])
        estimatesTable$setNote("aliased", WARNS["ano.aliased"])
    parameters <- try(mf.summary(model))
    if (isError(parameters)) {
        message <- extractErrorMessage(parameters)
        estimatesTable$setNote("sumcrash", message)
        STOP <- T
    ciWidth <- self$options$paramCIWidth/100
    if (self$options$showParamsCI) {
        citry <- try({
            ci <- mf.confint(model, level = ciWidth)
            colnames(ci) <- c("cilow", "cihig")
            parameters <- cbind(parameters, ci)
        if (isError(citry)) {
            message <- extractErrorMessage(citry)
            infoTable$setRow(rowKey = "conv", list(value = "no"))
            estimatesTable$setNote("cicrash", paste(message, ". CI cannot be computed"))
    for (i in 1:nrow(parameters)) {
        estimatesTable$setRow(rowNo = i, parameters[i, ])
    if (STOP) 
withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
    none <- mf.posthoc(model, ph, "none")
    bonferroni <- mf.posthoc(model, ph, "bonferroni")
    holm <- mf.posthoc(model, ph, "holm")
withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
mf.posthoc(model, ph, "none")
.posthoc.multinom(model, ph, "none")
emmeans::emmeans(model, tterm, transform = "response")
ref_grid(object, ...)
regrid(result, transform = transform), = TRUE)
t(apply(object@linfct[use.elts, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
    if (!any( && estimability::is.estble(x, object@nbasis, tol)) {
        x = x[active]
        est = sum(bhat * x)
        if ( {
            se = sqrt(.qf.non0(object@V, x))
            df = object@dffun(x, object@dfargs)
        else se = df = 0
        c(est, se, df)
    else c(NA, NA, NA)
apply(object@linfct[use.elts, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
    if (!any( && estimability::is.estble(x, object@nbasis, tol)) {
        x = x[active]
        est = sum(bhat * x)
        if ( {
            se = sqrt(.qf.non0(object@V, x))
            df = object@dffun(x, object@dfargs)
        else se = df = 0
        c(est, se, df)
    else c(NA, NA, NA)
FUN(newX[, i], ...)
.qf.non0(object@V, x)

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:27 am
by MAgojam
Hi Marcello,
I'm looking at the new version (gamlj 0.0.9), if I first use your form, post-hoc error for missing the lsmeans package.

If I do other modules that use it first (post-hoc ANOVA), it also works with your module.
Also reading previous msgs, I've copied lsmeans into gamlj/build/R and recompiled.
Fixed error.

Thanks a lot, you are doing a great job.
Cheers, Maurizio.

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:28 am
by jonathon
hey marcello, couple of other things


generalized linear models => model info => identity not indentity
generalized linear models => 'analysis of deviance' not 'analisys of deviance'

i'd recommend avoiding verbs in the names/titles of options:

i.e. "Contrasts in estimates table", rather than "Show contrasts ..."
"Confidence intervals" rather than "Show CI", etc.

"Show" is implied by the checkbox.


Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:32 am
@jonathon : fixed and (hopefully) committed and pushed

@maurizio: Yes, you're right. I've moved from lsmeans:: to emmeans: (the new version of the lsmeans package) but I did not clean up all the references. Now it should be ok.

Re: Mixed Models Module

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 5:41 am
by jonathon
looking good! let me know when you want us to push a new version to the library.

you could bump the version number up a bit too if you wanted. something to signal to people that this is more than an alpha.
