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Setting jamovi Mac app version number

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:00 pm
by msolin
Hello jamovi development team!

I am a Mac systems administrator at Saint Joseph's University, and I've been asked to deploy jamovi to some of our classroom computers for teaching purposes. We use an open source deployment tool called Munki to do this kind of stuff, which compares the CFBundleShortVersionString in the app's Info.plist to determine if the app is up to date. If the version of the app on disk is older than the one being deployed by Munki, then it's replaced with the newer version.

I downloaded both the "solid" and "current" releases, but both seem to have the same issue: the CFBundleShortVersionString is incorrect. If you're in the Finder, click on the app, click the File menu, and select Get Info, you can see that each app reports that it's an older version than it actually is - reports itself as, and reports itself as

Would it be possible to update CFBundleShortVersionString to match the version of the app with each release? This would make it possible for us to keep jamovi up to date on the computers we manage.



Re: Setting jamovi Mac app version number

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:17 pm
by jonathon
hi, yes,

the wheels fell off our macOS build system recently, so i've been forced to do some things manually, which has lead to some problems here. we'll do better in the future.


Re: Setting jamovi Mac app version number

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:24 am
by msolin
Thanks, no worries! I really appreciate the reply (and sorry for getting back to you so late).