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Age Demographics + One Way ANOVA

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:54 pm
by staceymann
Hello -
I'm new to stats, and I'm having difficulty finding out what test is necessary and how to build.
Each test I attempt to run, I get an error, and I'm assuming it's because of how my data is created.

I am trying to run a study (ONE WAY ANOVA), that shows an employees preference of remote work based on age demographics.

Any guidance would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Re: Age Demographics + One Way ANOVA

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:13 am
by Bobafett
Works for me. I assume you are using your 'transformed age' variable as the grouping variable, not the 'raw' age variable itself?

Looking further ahead, you might want to consider that having quite small and unequal sample sizes (n=21, 4 & 4) will probably render all your analyses non-significant