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Need an exogenous variable

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 3:28 pm
by ajsupple
I am using the SEM module, click path analysis, put in my outcome, put the main predictor in EXOGENOUS FACTOR and then two covariates in EXOGENOUS VARIABLES. This won't run and I see an error saying We need at least 1 Exogenous variable. Since those are in there, this is confusing. What is wrong?

Re: Need an exogenous variable

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:17 pm
yes, that is expected behavior. You need to specify the model you want to estimate. In path analysis, as opposed to the GLM (regression/anova), it is not enough to declare the role of the variables (exogenous vs endogenous), because several different models may result from the same role definition. You need to specify the model. Go to "Endogenous Models" and set there which exogenous variable(s) is predicting the endogenous ones.