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Descriptive statistics help

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:55 pm
by Kayrae
I am using jamovi at my internship and have been trying to re-learn it.
Trying to do a couple of descriptive stats for the following scenario:
positive/negative comments, organized by date, from a subject toward two separate audiences
At the moment I have:
one column for positive continuous counts
one column for negative continuous counts
one column for audience (1 or 2)
one ID column for corresponding date, Text type
one ID column for notes

the stats that I am coming up with are not showing what I want to show.
I would like to see a single histogram showing frequency of positive/negative comments by audience
I would also like to see a scatterplot with a linear regression line progressing by date, showing the frequency of each count.
Does anyone have suggestions for changes I can make in order to make a comprehensive, clean visual for this data?