How can I see which cells got "edited" and how?

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How can I see which cells got "edited" and how?

Post by byrdnick »

Sometimes I unwittingly edit a cell in Jamovi while looking through the data. Other times someone sends me a Jamovi analysis file with a bunch of edited cells. In both cases, I need to know which cell(s) got edited and how they were edited, but I don't know how find out.

1. How can I have Jamovi show me which cell(s) got edited?

2. How can I have Jamovi show me how the cell(s) got edited? (E.g., what did the cell show before it was edited?)

(If this functionality is not yet in place, feel free to say so. Thay way, I can turn this into a feature request.)
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Re: How can I see which cells got "edited" and how?

Post by jonathon »

jamovi colours manually edited cells blue.

that's as much functionality as we have here.

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