Meta-analysis moderators

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Meta-analysis moderators

Post by awolters »

Dear Jamovi,

Thank you so much for this great software. I have a few questions for a meta-analysis project, specifically calculating overall effect sizes.

1. Is there a way to have moderators that are not only interval?
2. Can we group studies in different manners? To...
- Run a moderator analysis and use an interval variable that is a label for a category and see the individual groups within (e.g., moderating by grade, how can see the overall effect size for first grade, second grade, third...)?
- Group studies by a categorial label and then run moderator analysis?
- Average studies that have the same participants (either same sample or one nested in another) -- is there a way to add a label for this and then group by this so that it takes the average for all the effect sizes on the same sample rather than making it look like a huge N?
3. Is there a way to edit the images? Such as different colors, text different sizes so doesn't overlap, adding or removing labels and so on.

Thank you! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Meta-analysis moderators

Post by jonathon »

i can answer 3. jamovi doesn't currently provide editing images in the current release, but will provide this in the future.

1 and 2. i'll leave for kyle.
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Re: Meta-analysis moderators

Post by awolters »

Thank you for the update. I look forward to Kyle's reply.

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Re: Meta-analysis moderators

Post by kylehamilton »

Hi Alissa,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you the semester is wrapping up and I've been swamped. Right now MAJOR can't just take a set of text labels and turn them into a categorical variable but you can use a numbering system to achieve the same results. So if you make a new collum and code the different variables to 0,1,2,3,4,5 (so like Truck Drivers = 0, Car Drivers = 1, Bike Riders = 2, etc) then go to the model options menu and change the moderator from continuous to categorical. The updated version is not in the Jamovi library right now but it is on the project github page ( and can be downloaded here ... /MAJOR.jmo just download the file and sideload it into Jamovi.

Let me know if there are any problems. I'll try to get the label issue taken care of once the semester is over.

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