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Trying to replicate between-within rmanova in R

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:30 pm
by bknakker
Dear jamovi developers,

I'm trying to replicate a repeated measures anova with 2 within and 1 between variable. My purpose is to work onwards with a model object of some kind, e.g. experiment with multcomp::glht(). I'm doing kind of fine using only the within vars, but I could not get even close to the stats seen in jamovi with the between var in the model. How are these models internally implemented in jamovi?

Thanks in advance,
Balázs Knakker

Re: Trying to replicate between-within rmanova in R

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 6:36 pm
by Ravi
Hi Balázs,

We use afex to run these models: ... rm.b.R#L41. Can you give me a reproducible example where the two don't match?


Re: Trying to replicate between-within rmanova in R

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:03 pm
by bknakker
Hi Ravi,

Thank you for the answer, unfortunately I failed to find afex before you pointed me to it. If I ever bump into any inconsistencies I will post it here.
