Levene Test for Mixed Models in GAMLj

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Levene Test for Mixed Models in GAMLj

Post by Shabd »


we have been successfully using JAMOVI including the GAMLj module during our statistics introduction seminar in the past 3 years. Especially, the Mixed Model function is superb!
I have a little request: Would it be possible to also include Levene's Test for Homegeneity of Variance in the Mixed Model? I think that the assumption of variance homogeneity should also be tested within this approach when using factors to have BLUE estimators, but somehow, as far as yet, its just included in the General Linear Model.

Thanks a lot in advance,
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Re: Levene Test for Mixed Models in GAMLj

Post by mcfanda@gmail.com »

Could you point us to some literature backing the levene test up in mixed models?. I did not find much.
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