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"Split file" command

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:25 am
by andre_xs
Dear All,
just to say that I think Jamovi is a great tool, in particular for teaching.

But one of the things I really miss is the 'split file' command from SPSS.

Just as an example, say I have a 2x2 design, one factor is within-subject (e.g. PRE vs POST testing), and the other factor is between subject (e.g. Male vs Female). Naturally (e.g. for the ANOVA) all data are in one data sheet. Is there an easy way to test PRE vs POST (the within-subject comparison, e.g. paired t-test) separately for Males and Females?

So far I used the clunky approach of saving the file twice, once for males, once for females, and then deleting the respective other gender I don't want to test.

('split file' in SPSS would allow one to define gender als the split-file variable, and one would just specify the paired t-test, and SPSS would automatically calculate separate t-tests for Males and Females in one go).

Best wishes,

Re: "Split file" command

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:30 pm
by reason180
Unfortunately jamovi can't 'split file.' To accomplish what you want, you can either do what you've already done (separate files), or you can use filtering to temporarily remove one sex or the other, or you can use Computed Variables to create two separate additional columns: DV_ForMalesOnly and DVForFemalesOnly (each of the new columns would, deliberately, have some missing values).