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Window enhancements

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:00 pm
by bknakker
Dear Developers,

Thanks for the great work. I have some suggestions.

The first is to put the analysis file name in the window title. It is quite hard to follow which analysis (.omv file, window) is which if one does more of them simultaneously, which is tipically the case in actual day-to-day work. (Relatedly, it would be very neat if the analyses within one .omv file could be given titles. I worked this around by encoding the analysis title in factor names, which kinda works but is not logical and nice.)

The second one is just a minor thing: on windows when maximized, the window covers the whole screen in a way that one cannot get the taskbar to pop up (autohide option) like the way it does in the case of a standard window maximized.

(And please tell me if I should have put this on the issues page in GitHub. That looked like it was more problem-oriented, and here would be the place for suggestions.)

Balázs Knakker

Re: Window enhancements

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:22 pm
by jonathon

i'm surprised the first doesn't already function like that. i'll look into it. i guess i'll take a look at the second as well :)

actually, it would be helpful if you could create an issue on gh for these. they're closely related, so one issue for both will suffice.

with thanks
