Error message 'the condition has length >1' for SEM Model

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Error message 'the condition has length >1' for SEM Model

Post by YaelFD »

Hello everyone,

I'm new to using jamovi and seeking guidance for my master's thesis research. I am working with data from three distinct scales and need to develop a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model. Specifically, I aim to incorporate four subscales of CQ (metacognitive, cognitive, behavioral, and motivational), the Ambiguity Tolerance scale, and the concept of Value Diversity.

My goal is to explore the correlations between Value Diversity and the four CQ subscales, while also investigating whether Ambiguity Tolerance acts as a moderator in these relationships. Despite several attempts using both syntax and interactive features in jamovi, I consistently encounter an error message stating 'the condition has length >1' when defining the variables.

Could someone kindly assist me in identifying the source of this issue?
I have attached my data to this post.

Thank you very much for your help in advance! :)

(PS: this is the code I used for the syntax SEM)

# Latent variable definitions and indicators for Value Diversity
Value_Diversity =~ Universalism + Stimulation + Achievement + Benevolence + Conformity + Hedonism + Power + Security + SelfDirection + Tradition

# Latent variable definitions and indicators for Cultural Intelligence (CQ) parts
Metacognitive =~ MC1 + MC2 + MC3 + MC4
Cognitive =~ COG1 + COG2 + COG3 + COG4 + COG5 + COG6
Motivation =~ MOT1 + MOT2 + MOT3 + MOT4 + MOT5
Behavioral =~ BEH1 + BEH2 + BEH3 + BEH4 + BEH5

# Latent variable definitions and indicators for Tolerance Ambiguity
Tolerance_Ambiguity =~ TA1_VDO1 + TA2_VDO2 + TA3_VDO3 + TA4_C1 + TA5_C2 + TA6_C3 + TA7_C4 + TA8_CP1 + TA9_CP2 + TA10_CP3 + TA11_U1 + TA12_U2

# Structural paths (regression paths)
Metacognitive ~ Value_Diversity
Cognitive ~ Value_Diversity
Motivation ~ Value_Diversity
Behavioral ~ Value_Diversity

# Mediation: Tolerance Ambiguity as a mediator
Tolerance_Ambiguity ~ Value_Diversity
Metacognitive ~ Tolerance_Ambiguity
Cognitive ~ Tolerance_Ambiguity
Motivation ~ Tolerance_Ambiguity
Behavioral ~ Tolerance_Ambiguity
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Re: Error message 'the condition has length >1' for SEM Model

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there was an issue with the module. Update to next version (1.2.2) and it will work (it coming up tomorrow). In the meantime, you can run your analyses selecting "Missing pairwise" in "Model Options". In your data this option does not change anything (you do not have missing) but it solves the issue.
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Re: Error message 'the condition has length >1' for SEM Model

Post by YaelFD »

Thank you very much!
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