Plotting the standard deviation around the mean

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Plotting the standard deviation around the mean

Post by th01060 »

Hi there,

I am currently running an analysis for a master's psychology dissertation and I am conducting a one-way ANOVA. My Levene's (p<0.001) and Shapiro-Wilk's (p=0.016) tests have come back significant. My Q-Q Plot looks relatively normal, however. Based on this I was going to run a Welch test.

I have been using this book - ... -way-anova

I have found it excellent and one paragraph for homogeneity of variance (Levene's) states:

"Similarly, if your sample size is quite small, then the homogeneity of variance assumption might not be satisfied and yet a Levene test could be non-significant (i.e. p > .05). What this means is that, alongside any statistical test of the assumption being met, you should always plot the standard deviation around the means for each group / category in the analysis…just to see if they look fairly similar (i.e. homogeneity of variance) or not."

I don't really understand how to plot the standard deviation around the means for each group. Is this the QQ Plot?

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