display values from dataframe into row data

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display values from dataframe into row data

Post by lkchan »


Is it possible to for loop the value from data frame into a table?

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          table1 <- self$results$scoreTable
          for (name in self$options$dep){
            table1$addColumn(name, title=name)
          for(value in prpRev_df){
          table1$setRow(rowNo=1, value=list(
            var = "Experts in Agreement",
            list = values

I try to loop it but not success.
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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by jonathon »

try something like this instead:

for (rowNo in seq_len(nrow(prpRev_df))) {
row <- as.list(prpRev_df[rowNo, , drop=TRUE]
row$var <- "Experts in Agreement"
table1$setRow(rowNo=rowNo, values=row)

i *think* that will work

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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by lkchan »

hi after checking the structure of the dataframe. There is only 1 row withe many columns.
This code work.

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for (colNo in seq_along(I_CVI_values_df)){
            values <- as.list(I_CVI_values_df[colNo])
            table1$setRow(rowNo = 2, values)
          table1$setRow(rowNo = 2, list(var = paste("I-CVI")))
This code doesn't work??? Same data frame structure

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for (colNo in seq_along(UA_values_df)){
            values <- as.list(UA_values_df[colNo])
            table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, values)
          table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, list(var = paste("Universal Agreement (UA)")))
I want to display the data in vertical format. It doesnt work too.

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          #output proportion relevance of experts in table
          table3 <- self$results$propTable
          for (colNom in seq_along(prpRev_df)) {
            if (colNom > table3$rowCount)
            values <- as.list(prpRev_df[colNom])
            table3$setRow(rowNo=colNom, values)
            table3$setRow(rowNo=colNom, list(var=paste("Expert ", colNom)))
Please guide me.
Thank you
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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by jonathon »

so are we still working with the scoreTable table? because that only has a single column.

maybe the first step is to draw a sketch of what you want the final table to look like, and then show us the structure of the data frame that you're wanting to populate that table from. if we have those two pieces of information, i can give you advice on how to map between the two.

so maybe just draw it on a piece of paper, photograph it, and post it here.


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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by jonathon »


OK, so these data frames are 1 row, many columns ... so we can iterate across the columns with seq_along() (which you've done above).

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for (colNo in seq_along(UA_values_df)) {
  var <- paste("Expert", colNo)
  value <- UA_values_df[1,colNo,drop=TRUE]
  row <- list(var=var, value=value)
  table1$setRow(rowNo = colNo, values=row)
note that this assumes that your table has at least two columns (one called "var" and one called "value" ... you can change these to suit), and that your table has enough rows to accommodate all the values.

let me know how you get on.

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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by lkchan »


Regarding table, when the all values in dataframe is 0, why it is not display? so I created a dummy dataframe but it is not display.

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          # Define the number of rows and columns
          num_rows <- 1
          num_cols <- ncol(transformed_df)
          # Create a DataFrame filled with 0.000
          df <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0.000, num_rows * num_cols), nrow = num_rows, ncol = num_cols))
          # Set column names (optional)
          colnames(df) <- paste0("Column", 1:num_cols)
          if (is.null(UA_values_df)) {
            for (colNo in seq_along(UA_values_df)) {
              values <- as.list(UA_values_df[colNo])
              table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, values)
            self$results$text$setContent("NOT NULL")
            # Display 0.00 if UA_values_df is NULL
            for (colNo in seq_along(df)) {
              values <- as.list(df[colNo])
              table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, values)
          table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, list(var = paste("Universal Agreement (UA)")))

I am still debugging the third table
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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by lkchan »

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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by jonathon »

so there's two important things to check here. the first is that the table contains suitable columns, secondly that the items in the values list have names which match those columns.

in the following, i don't think the items in the list will have appropriate names:

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values <- as.list(UA_values_df[colNo])
i think all you might need to do is add a comma for this to work:

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values <- as.list(UA_values_df[colNo,])
however, this will be taking the names from the dataframe ... so your table will need to have the columns defined Column1, Column2, etc. (based on your code: colnames(df) <- paste0("Column", 1:num_cols)) .. we normally define columns in the .r.yaml file.

the other thing that stands out as being a little unusual is always setting the third row:

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table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, values)
it's a little odd, but i suppose as long as your table has at least 3 rows, it should work.

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Re: display values from dataframe into row data

Post by lkchan »

hi Sir, I tried your suggestion. However it doesn't work. I tried to do it this way. It is not displayed too.

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 df_name <- self$options$dep
          combined_UA_df <-rbind(df_name, UA_values_df)
          combined_UA_df <- as.matrix(combined_UA_df)
          for (colNo in seq_along(I_CVI_values_df)) {
              values <- as.list(combined_UA_df[2, colNo])
              table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, values)
          table1$setRow(rowNo = 3, list(var = paste("Universal Agreement (UA)")))
is it jamovi v2.6.13 can't display 0 value?

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