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Lavaan extensions

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 2:22 pm
by Docgavin
Hi guys. I'm an AMOS user for factor analytic and SEM procedures.
I love what you're doing with JAMOVI and its integration with lavaan for this.
here is my wish list of things i'd like to see happen.
a. multigroup nested invariance testing,
b. latent curve modeling,
c. path or SEM modeling,
d. bifactor factor structures
e. hierarchical factor structures
f. insert standardised values into output path models

All developments along these lines would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Lavaan extensions

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:16 pm
by Ravi
Hi Gavin,

Yeah, we would love to have a SEM module, preferably in collaboration with some SEM experts. Unfortunately, our time (and expertise) is limited, so our goal is for the community to step in and create these missing pieces. We're always happy to guide people through the process though, see for instance our developer hub:


Re: Lavaan extensions

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:00 pm
Hi guys. Thank you very much for the work done developing jamovi.
I have a problem with jamovi, when running a Principal Component Analysis: based on parallel analysis, and without any options enabled in Assumption Checks, Factor Loading or Additional Output. And results show a solution (with about 160 subjects and 36 items) implying 2-components.
But the moment I activate Bartlett's test, the results update, and a 3-component solution appears.
And, if I activate the KMO option, the 2-factor solution reappears.
If I change the activated options and leave without activating any option, the 3-factor solution remains (SIC) and sometimes when activating component summary option, a 4-factor solution appears.
I do not understand the logic of the problem since with the same configuration of options, 2 different solutions appear in some occasions.
I would appreciate any explanation or comment.
The data is not good, it is a validation into Russian of a scale created in English, which generates a CFA that does not meet the requirements for RMSEA, CFI or TLI

It is my first post, I hope to get it right in the forum
Cheers from Catalonia

Re: Lavaan extensions

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:43 am
by jonathon

could you start a new thread? this one is old and not really related to your query.


Re: Lavaan extensions

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:34 pm
by tamersaid
Has been any updates regarding the lavaan extensions, particularly the bifactor model?

Re: Lavaan extensions

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:00 am
there's a new module named SEMLj that does almost anything that lavaan does, and another module (PATHj) that simplifies running path analysis. Check them out.