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Missing value analysis/ Little's mcar test

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:27 pm
by delvecct
How do I use Jamovi to determine whether missing data is mcar? Is there a Little's mcar test somewhere?

Re: Missing value analysis/ Little's mcar test

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:45 pm
by jonathon

i don't know what mcar is, and i don't think jamovi provides it - but if you figure out how to do it in R, you'll be able to run it in jamovi with the Rj editor.



Re: Missing value analysis/ Little's mcar test

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:29 am
by ConalMonaghan
Hi Jonathon and Devecct,
I think this would be a great addition to JAMOVI. Presently, we have to do all data cleaning and screening in R, then export into JAMOVI. While it is possible to do tests just as Mahalanobis (multi-variate outliers) using the work around in Rj and the psych package, there is no package in the JAMOVI database that can test for missing at random (MCAR), or engage in imputation or regression substitution.

Potentially having a module that tested the nature of missing data (MCAR) and imputation as needed would work well, alternatively, if you could introduce another package such as MissMech to the JAMOVI r library then the Rj solution would work.

Re: Missing value analysis/ Little's mcar test

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:33 am
by jonathon
what if you use 'system R', from Rj, rather than the R bundled with jamovi?


Re: Missing value analysis/ Little's mcar test

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:20 pm
by ard
I have tried it and from what I can gather online, in order to carry the MCAR test, R requires the installation of the naniar library, which we don't have access to through Jamovi. Is there a way to access that? So far there seems to be no way of doing MCAR