I'm having problem dusring export of result tables into excel.
When I copy it (or export it) percentage data is always in following format:
(number before decimal point)(decimal point)(number after decimal point)(questionmark in box)(percentage sign)
Like this: 20.2[?]%
My question is:
1. is there a way to remove [?] so it is not show in results export?
2. can I set-up results so the that decimole point in actualy a comma (,), since I'm in europe?
I'm using latest stable version and this has been replicated on 10 PC-s
Thank you
Result export format
Re: Result export format
hi ozren,
what you describe is unusual. this is what happens for me:
perhaps you could provide a screenshot or video? this may be specific to versions of excel.
what you describe is unusual. this is what happens for me:
perhaps you could provide a screenshot or video? this may be specific to versions of excel.
Re: Result export format
Sure thing.
Here is the link to snip. I've marked in it all relevant info
https://koinsights-my.sharepoint.com/:i ... w?e=fZahxH
Also if you have a way to replace dots (.) with commas (,) for decimal places, that would be great.
Everything else (for now), works flawlessly and I love the fluidity and perfect CX
Here is the link to snip. I've marked in it all relevant info
https://koinsights-my.sharepoint.com/:i ... w?e=fZahxH
Also if you have a way to replace dots (.) with commas (,) for decimal places, that would be great.
Everything else (for now), works flawlessly and I love the fluidity and perfect CX
Re: Result export format
excelent, I see it's already completed 
thank you very much Jonathon.
One last thing, is there a possibility to change marking of decimals from points to commas?

thank you very much Jonathon.
One last thing, is there a possibility to change marking of decimals from points to commas?
Re: Result export format
we support commas as a decimal place marker in many places ... importing files, etc. etc. but we presently don't support that as a display option.
having said that, if we did have a comma display option, and someone was copying from jamovi, the 'correct behaviour' would be for us to send content to the clipboard in a standard format (and the standards are always dots for decimal place delimeters). it would then be the job of the software which is pasted into, to parse that standard content, apply it, and then display it in the format the user wants.
i suspect that's not what excel does ...
having said that, if we did have a comma display option, and someone was copying from jamovi, the 'correct behaviour' would be for us to send content to the clipboard in a standard format (and the standards are always dots for decimal place delimeters). it would then be the job of the software which is pasted into, to parse that standard content, apply it, and then display it in the format the user wants.
i suspect that's not what excel does ...
Re: Result export format
Thank you again Jonathon
Thank you again Jonathon