Issue with R-squared values: showing NaN in GLMM

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Issue with R-squared values: showing NaN in GLMM

Post by pkj »


I recently ran into an issue that I don't really understand, I wonder if anyone could help.

I was doing a binomial linear mixed model analysis in the GAMLj module and the issue is that the output doesn't show any R-squared values (neither marginal nor conditional), it just says NaN. What makes it even more unusual, I was using it a while back on the same dataset and in a similar way and it was computing these values and the output was reasonable. The main thing I changed in the meantime was coding (from dummy to deviation), but now even when I try different types of coding to troubleshoot the issue, I still get no R-squared values.
Is there an obvious reason for this, something I might be missing? Is anyone familiar with this issue, what might be the cause and how to solve it?
Any input would be of great help!
Thank you!
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Re: Issue with R-squared values: showing NaN in GLMM

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we need a reproducible example to check what is the reason of this behavior. Would you like to share it?
tha thanks
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