Data wrangling?

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Data wrangling?

Post by peterg »

Hi everyone,

I've been very excited to learn jamovi over the last few weeks. I teach with both SPSS and R and have been frustrated with that combo for a long time now. I love jamovi's design, especially it's declarative paradigm.

Most of the data sets my students work with are complex, usually involving key-indexed tables and multiple levels of observation. With R, my students all became pretty proficient with dplyr. I never liked how SPSS does table joins and rotations, but it worked fine enough.

I know jamovi doesn't do much data manipulation, so I'm curious to know if there are any workflows that people have been using successfully. My main priorities would be reproducability and, if possible, a GUI. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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Re: Data wrangling?

Post by jonathon »

take a look at the jReshape and jTransform modules (you'll probably need to be using the latest jamovi to have access to them).

longer term, we intend on making these sorts of data wrangling operations available in jamovi itself.

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Re: Data wrangling?

Post by peterg »

Oh very cool. I saw those modules but misunderstood what they did. I had thought that it was not possible for modules to manipulate the data table or load new data from files for some reason. If that's not a limitation, it should be possible to write a module that does any arbitrary manipulations on any arbitrary set of sources?

The Merge (Add columns) function on jTransform is giving me an error ("'length = 2' in coercion to logical(1)"), but I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.

One more question, if it's okay: I'm looking through the developer API but still getting oriented. Is it possible, via the api, to add sheets/functions to tabs other than "Analysis"? Is it possible to define new tabs? I really love the declarative approach jamovi takes, and I'd be interested in working on a module that would add a "Sources" tab to the left of Variables for declaring explicit data manipulation steps. Is that possible at the moment?

Thanks so much for your time!
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Re: Data wrangling?

Post by jonathon »


defining new tabs is presently not possible ... but it's certainly something we could consider.

longer term, the plan is for jamovi to support multiple sheets within a window (like in excel) ... then you could have one sheet representing the raw data, and a subsequent sheet representing the transformed data, with an 'analysis' linking the two.

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