Unable to access library

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Unable to access library

Post by Anita »

Hi, I tried several times last week to access the library in order to install new modules. I tried with different wifis / hotspots first on the 2.4.11 version and later on the 2.6.23 (thought maybe the update would solve this problem). However I got an error message everytime stating "Unable to access the library".
I checked with the IT department of my institution but they had no idea on how to solve this issue.

Best regards,
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Re: Unable to access library

Post by jonathon »


basically the only explanation for what you provide is that there is something wrong with your network connection ... and normally, when people have this problem and they try a different network (for example, a mobile hotspot) it works for them.

an alternative, if you know which module you're interested in, you can navigate here


and download the module with your web browser, and then 'side load' it into jamovi. the following link is modules for the 2.6 series of jamovi under windows:

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Re: Unable to access library

Post by EDL_ »


Since I updated Jamovi to the latest version I am having the same issue.
Connecting with a hotspot does not help.

I have been trying to download the modules from the link but I receive this error message: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error>

Can you help? Thanks!
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Re: Unable to access library

Post by jonathon »


If your network and/or computer blocks certain network connections, that will prevent jamovi from reaching the library. There's not much jamovi can do about this.

Typically people can still access the library using their web browser (because some policy or network setting allows the browser to reach it, but not jamovi). However, at the moment we're upgrading our infrastructure, and so the index listings are disabled. You can still access the modules, but it's a little bit trickier. Navigate here instead:


Locate the module you want, copy the path, and then replace the /index on the end.


https://library.jamovi.org/win64/R4.4.1 ... -2.6.0.jmo

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